2023 has drawn to a close and, with it, another excellent year for our ākonga (learners)...
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         DECEMBER 2023
Kia ora

2023 has drawn to a close and, with it, another excellent year for our ākonga (learners), which would not be possible without your extraordinary support and skill.

We are so fortunate to have such a committed whānau supporting ākonga across our workplaces. We have worked through a heap of change and challenge, and we are heartened by the resolve of all of our registered assessors who have dug deep, sought opportunities, and provided such exemplary support and guidance to our ākonga. Our ākonga who are engaged in training to better themselves, better support their whānau, and better support their workplaces.

2023 by the numbers:
  • 166 assessors were newly registered in 2023, within a whānau of 834 assessors.
  • 5,798 qualifications were completed.
  • 68,419 assessment results were posted, reflecting 367,152 credits (equivalent to more than 420 years of skills and knowledge!)
  • More than 1,800 assessment results were moderated, with an 83% agreement rate.
  • More than 150 workshops hosted from Kerikeri to Invercargill...
  • ...Where 1,231 different people came into contact with our Moderation and Assessment Practice team!
Some success stories from 2023
We love celebrating the success of our ākonga and the assessors who support them. Below are some highlights from this year, but you can read more of our stories at
Te Whatu Ora MidCentral launches kaiāwhina training initiative
Te Whatu Ora MidCentral has enrolled more than 50 kaiāwhina staff in the NZ Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Level 3) Health Assistance programme. Fourteen senior nurses have come on board to assess the learners, and 48 staff will be observing them through the duration of their programme.

Read their full story >
Deaf learner overcomes challenges to pursue her goals
Whangārei caregiver, Santana Ngawharau (centre left), who is profoundly Deaf and whose first language is New Zealand Sign Language, has completed her New Zealand Certificate in Cleaning (Level 2). She is now enrolled in the Certificate in Cleaning (Level 3) Contagion and Specialised Infection Control programme.

Santana's assessor, Claire Wolmarans from Metlifecare, says, "I feel honoured to have been able to work with Santana. She really is amazing."

Read Santana's full story >
Orderlies and cleaners graduate at Te Whatu Ora Waitematā
Impressive results from Te Whatu Ora Waitematā this year, with 29 cleaners and 30 orderlies completing either their New Zealand Certificate in Cleaning or New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing qualifications.
Goodwood Park Healthcare Group celebrates 16 Level 4 graduates
This year, Goodwood Park Healthcare Group in Kumeu had 16 apprentices complete either their New Zealand Apprenticeship in Brain Injury Rehabilitation Support (Level 4) or New Zealand Apprenticeship in Mental Health and Addiction Support (Level 4) programmes.

Goodwood Park Healthcare Group delivers high quality services to people with traumatic brain injuries, mental health or high complex needs.

A special shout out to Goodwood Park's dedicated assessors, Lynnette Franks and Patricia Wolfaardt for their ongoing support and encouragement of their ākonga!
Te Pūkenga to be disestablished
You may be aware of the Government’s intention to disestablish Te Pūkenga | New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology, of which Careerforce is currently one of 25 business divisions.

While it has been confirmed that the new Government intends to disestablish Te Pūkenga, it remains very much business as usual for Careerforce.
We want to reassure you that our organisation will continue to provide the same levels of support for all our trainees, apprentices, employers and assessors.

We are currently working through the details of the Government’s expectations and are committed to ensuring that changes do not negatively impact the delivery of training. As always, please contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.

Looking ahead to 2024
Heading into 2024, Careerforce will continue to support workplace based learning in our sectors with vim and vigour – our plans are set with our assessor training and wānanga mātauranga (assessor hubs) scheduled for 2024 and Hono Mai will resume on 10 January.

From the Moderation and Assessment Practice team whānau to you and yours, a Meri Kirihimete and best wishes for a safe and healthy new year.

We’ll see you all in 2024.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou mo te manaaki, me te mahi – kia kaha.

Read previous Assessor Newsletters
This newsletter is sent to all Careerforce registered assessors.

Archive copies can be downloaded from the Careerforce website. Follow this link and scroll down to view and download archive newsletters.

We do appreciate all the support and guidance you give to your trainees. As usual, if have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us:

Assessor Support:
Moderation Support:
Join our Wednesday Hono Mai sessions via iportal

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