E M P L O Y E R N E W S L E T T E R | O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2
2022 Annual Employer Survey Sharing the success of our younger learners Refreshed employer training reports Making great headway supporting Māori learners
Welcome to Careerforce's October update
Kia ora
In this issue, we outline that invitations for our sixth annual employer survey will be sent out in November. Your satisfaction is something we never take for granted, and while we encourage your feedback at any time, the results from this survey represents our annual ‘moment of truth’. We appreciate that you have always been so forthcoming and generous in sharing your feedback, that has informed improvements right across our
organisation, and which I believe has contributed to our overall satisfaction score improving across the years. I encourage you to take the time to complete our 2022 survey so we can continue on this pathway of continuous improvement. Also in this issue, we continue to shine the spotlight on more of our amazing learners (your staff) and celebrate both their achievements and their passion for what they do. We love telling their stories, and they are a continual reminder of our ‘why’, so keep them coming.
Ngā mihi nui
Rod Bentham Director - Careerforce
2022 Annual Employer Survey
In the week commencing 7 November, we will be sending out personalised invites to participate in our annual employer satisfaction survey, now into its sixth year. Across these years, we have pleasingly seen increasing levels of engagement with the survey, and with overall satisfaction generally tracking upwards.
Your continued satisfaction however is something we never take for granted. For this 2022 survey, your feedback takes on an even heightened sense of importance, as your [anonymised] feedback will be shared across the Te Pūkenga organisation to help inform and shape the final Te Pūkenga operating model and structure.
In last year’s survey, we asked for your specific feedback around ‘modes of [training] delivery’
that will best support your learners to succeed. This years questions build upon these responses, and will further help inform potential improvements to work based training delivery across Te Pūkenga.
The feedback you provide via this survey is instrumental in informing our planning and continuous improvement, and so we again encourage you to take the time to complete the 2022 survey, and which will close 11 December.
As with recent years, each 20th completed survey will receive a $50 Prezzy Card. The top-line results from our 2021 employer
survey, together with the actions we subsequently committed to, can be found here.
Sharing the success of our younger learners
Young support worker is ‘light in the dark’ for high-risk youth
Mana in Mahi helps young volunteer land ‘dream job’
When Jasmine “Jazz” Teleiai received her Level 4 Certificate in Health and Wellbeing in August, she bawled her eyes out crying. “It was the reassurance that I was on the right path,” she says.
The 23-year-old is a Ringa-ki-Runga support worker for Strive Community Trust in Papatoetoe, where she is supporting families into transitional housing. It’s the second role she’s had at Strive, after starting out as a youth worker, and where she has just completed her Level 4 Apprenticeship in Youth Work through Careerforce.
Pictured above, Jasmine “Jazz” Teleiai (centre) celebrates the completion of her Youth Work Apprenticeship with her manager Joanne-Marie “Joe” Lawler (L) and Careerforce Apprenticeship Advisor Kailash Devan (R)
A positive attitude, the support of her whānau, and MSD’s Mana in Mahi initiative have all helped turn Eryn Vesey from a shy teenager living with epilepsy and severe tremors into a confident young therapist, doing a job she loves.
Eryn, 21, says she has struck it lucky after progressing from volunteer apprentice to a fully qualified diversional therapist at Forget Me Not Adult Day Care in Whangārei where she gets to
enhance the quality of life for adults who are socially isolated through disability.
Through Mana in Mahi, Eryn was able to complete her Apprenticeship in Health and Wellbeing (Social and Community Services) Community Facilitation Strand Specialising in Diversional Therapy (Level 4) while volunteering at Forget Me Not.
Refreshed employer training reports
In November,
we will release our refreshed training reports, and that are emailed out at the start of each month.
We have spent considerable time gathering internal and external feedback to inform these changes, and combined, the intent is for these reports to provide a quick and easy to read monthly snapshot of the training progress of your staff.
Key changes include:
- Easier to read ‘traffic light’ based learner progress – green is all good, red may require some intervention
- Report now split into two sections, one for trainees and one for apprentices
- In addition to continuing and on-hold learners, the report now also features both withdrawals and completions over the last month. This allows you to recognise and celebrate staff that have completed their qualifications.
While these reports are current at the time they are sent, you can always go into iportal at any time to run a current report for the most up to date learner progress.
Keep an eye out in your email inbox early November. As always, we
welcome any feedback to marcomms@careerforce.org.nz .
Rōpū Taupuhipuhi Āmio making great headway, supporting Māori learners
In the April issue of Skills for Good, we introduced a new team at Careerforce set up to deliver workshops to Māori and those that have been historically underserved. The new team (The National Mobile Support team, Rōpū Taupuhipuhi Āmio), has been working with Careerforce field staff and employers to assist and enhance learner engagement and participation through their qualification journey.
Rōpū Taupuhipuhi Āmio has been establishing strategic priorities, listening to feedback and putting processes in place. They have carried out noho marae and wānanga mahi, and started to work on whakamanawa ākonga Māori in response to requests.
"Ākonga Māori will navigate and exercise their mana motuhake and strive for success throughout their learning journey and aspire to
be leaders in their workplaces and communities."
Careerforce has also launched the first newsletter:
Hoe Ngātahi, for our ākonga Māori.
Helping you support your learners to excel
Your organisation already recognises the importance of training and investing in upskilling your staff. Keeping learners motivated and engaged during their learning can be a challenge. We'd like to share some top tips to help ensure your staff remain motivated and successful on their training journey.
Examples of these ideas include:
For more ideas that help to support learner success, click 'Read More',
Careerforce transitioned into Te Pūkenga on 1 September as a business division within Te Pūkenga’s Work Based Learning subsidiary, and which was established as a special purpose vehicle to receive transitional industry training organisations before integrating into Te Pūkenga.
From 1 January 2023, and together with all other business divisions of the Work Based Learning subsidiary,
Careerforce will become a business division of Te Pūkenga (the Work Based Learning subsidiary will no longer exist). Other than a change of employer for our kaimahi (staff) this transition will have minimal impact for kaimahi, employers, and learners. After 31 December, we will continue to do what we do now, doing the same jobs working with the same people, supporting high-quality in-work learning. Te Pūkenga Council agreed to the timing to complete this transition first before Te Pūkenga rolls out its new organisation structure in tranches through 2023. Read here for more.
Updates to Youth and Peer Support Apprenticeships
Two more of our apprenticeship programmes were updated this month.
Careerforce Apprenticeship in Community Facilitation specialising in Youth Work
Enrolments for the latest version opened on 19 October and this programme is now titled the Careerforce Apprenticeship in Whānau, Community and Social Services specialising in Youth
Work. Read more.
Careerforce Apprenticeship in Peer Support Work
Enrolments for the latest version opened on 25 October and this programme is now titled the Careerforce Apprenticeship in Health and Wellbeing (Peer Support). Read more.
Unit standards and programmes expiring on 31 December 2022
Updates to Health & Wellbeing (Level 3) unit standards In early October we emailed employers, assessors and trainees enrolled in versions of unit standards that expire on 31 December 2022. We recommended that learners prioritise
completing these units by 30 November to enable assessors to complete their marking. Here is a copy of the email sent to learners and here is a list of impacted units standards. Updates to the Health & Wellbeing (Level 2) programme A new version of the Health & Wellbeing (Level 2) programme was released on 1 September 2022. The earlier version expires on 31 December 2022. Learners enrolled in the earlier version were encouraged to complete their assessments by mid November to enable assessors to register their outcomes. Trainees who are unable to complete their current programme by the end of this year, will be rolled-over into the new version of the programme from 1 January 2023. Here is a copy of the email sent to learners.
Updates to the NZ Certificate in Cleaning (Level 3) with optional strands in Specialised Cleaning and Supervision A new version of the above programme was released on 19 September 2022. The earlier version expires on 31 December 2022.
We ask you to encourage your trainees to prioritise the completion of their programme by mid November. Here is a copy of our email sent to workplaces.
Changes to the New Zealand Certificate in Cleaning (Level 2)
with a strand in Health Care Facilities Cleaning Early this year we advised that the 40-45 credit programme was being replaced by a new 43-48 credit programme in July. Learners enrolled in the earlier programme will need to complete their assessments by 31 December 2022. Here is a copy of our email sent to workplaces.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact your Careerforce Workplace Advisor
New Wellington office space opened
On 3 October Careerforce officially opened its new Wellington office to staff.
Our new address is: Careerforce, Level 1, 15 Walter Street, Wellington 6011
To make an appointment with one of our staff, please contact them directly or you can find our contact information on our website.
Free digital literacy resources to support
In collaboration with Pathways Awarua, Ako Aotearoa’s Manako (Adult language, literacy, numeracy and cultural capability) team has launched a new Digital Literacy Educator Pathway resource that will assist educators in embedding digital literacy into their delivery, so that they can support their learners in their digital literacy development.
Module 1 looks at what digital literacy is, presents a range of digital literacy frameworks, and explores the interplay of digital literacy and remixing.
Module 2 has a wealth of resources, strategies, icebreakers, and activities for teaching digital literacy.
Qualifications & certificates - useful
As we look ahead to the end of the year, we wanted to share some useful dates:
- The last day to submit trainee results to ensure they are exported to NZQA on the last run of 2022 is 11 December.
- The last trainee certificate run for 2022 will be 12 December. Final results for a completing trainee will need to be submitted by 4 December.
- The last apprenticeship programme certificate run will be 25 November. Final results will need to be submitted by 20 November.
- We will aim to enrol new trainees this calendar year, where Training Agreements are received by 12 December.
- The last Welcome Pack run for new trainees this year will be 15 December and packs normally arrive within 2 weeks of this date. The first run in the New Year will be 19 January 2023.
Jobs for Good – list your vacancies now
The relaunch of the Life Changing Careers Campaign earlier this year is continuing to drive people looking for care and support work to our Jobs for Good site. List your vacancies on the site and leverage the success of the campaign.
If you have a vacancy, make sure you don't miss out.
Remember, Jobs for Good is free, it’s easy to list vacancies, and it’s super-targeted.
Accessing the most up-to-date Training Agreements and other forms
This is just a reminder that the Training Agreement form can be accessed from the forms page on the Careerforce website. It's important that you use the latest form, as it is updated from time to time. This also applies to other forms, such as the Organisation Registration Form, or the Standalone Unit Standard Application.
Find out more about:
- Careerforce Qualification Programmes >> More
- Gateway and Vocational Pathways >>More
- How to contact your local Careerforce Workplace Advisor >>More
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