Reporting overdue assessments via iportal
Kia ora

As you are aware, the standard expectation is that assessments are marked within 10 working days. Within our Aka Toi e-learning platform, as everything is digitally time-stamped, we know when an assessment has been submitted, and when assessment marking is overdue.

However, for our trainees completing their programmes via paper-based
learning and assessment, we have limited visibility of when assessments have been submitted to assessors or when assessment marking has become overdue.

As a result, we have created a new capability where trainees can report overdue assessments. Learners completing paper-based programmes, who have not heard back from their assessor within 15 days of submitting an assessment, will be able to submit a form via iportal.

Careerforce are fully aware of the workplace pressures our assessors are under, and the work that our extensive network of assessors do is hugely appreciated. This form simply allows us to become aware of instances where additional support may be needed in the workplace, or even situations where a workplace assessor may have left the workplace.

Trainees without access to iportal can sign up, by visiting iportal and registering a new account. We encourage you to remind your learners to register, if they haven't already. Iportal also gives them access to their own training progress reports, and access to learning and assessment resources via the Resource Library.

If you have any questions, please contact the Assessor Operations team via:

Ngā mihi
The team at Careerforce

26 May 2023

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