Your chance for a copy of William's Pike's book
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F E B R U A R Y   2 0 2 3
.. to the first apprenticeship newsletter for 2023

Our thoughts and best wishes are with any learners who have been impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle as it wreaked havoc across much of Te Ika-a-Māui, North Island. We cannot begin to imagine the distress this must be causing; however, we are here to provide support as one united whānau of Careerforce across Aotearoa. Our priority is your wellbeing, so if you need support, please reach out to your closest Careerforce contact.

In this issue we have provided lots of advice and support to help you work through your assessments. We also share the stories of two inspirational learners who have both overcome challenges to progress through their apprenticeship.

  • Nail that assessment - Connect
  • Win a copy of 'Every Day's a Good Day'
  • Meet some fellow apprentices
  • How to use your own words and avoid plagiarism
  • Understanding task words can help you succeed
  • Workshops to help diversional therapy apprentices
  • Where to from here
  • Great tips when answering questions
  • Recommended for watching
  • Careerforce now part of the Te Pūkenga whānau
Nail that assessment - Connect
Nailing that Assessment is a regular section in our newsletters designed to help you do just that, nail that assessment. In this issue, we talk about Connect, and how it can help you nail more than one assessment.

Connect is about connecting with community networks, organisations, business groups and resources available to assist you and the people you support and work with.

You don’t need to think of Connect as a standalone module! 

You may find it easier to think about the Connect, Exceed and Achieve modules as being tied together.  So, one scenario, or example can be applied to three different modules.

In the module Exceed, you are required to research a condition, disability, situation or impairment based on a real person that has that situation or disability, condition or impairment. You’ll be identifying what the impacts are on the person, on their whānau, and what support services are available.

So, if you’ve identified the support services in Exceed, e.g., Red Cross, SPCA, the Salvation Army, Alternative Education, Aged Concern, you’ll be connecting the person or whānau described in Exceed with the support services. That’s where your Exceed assessment ties in with Connect.

And, since you are supporting the person to achieve outcomes, that’s where it fits with Achieve (all three modules tying in together).

So, don’t think of Connect as a standalone module. Instead look at the connections that you’ve used in the modules or how Connect is also going to tie in with Achieve to support outcomes for the people that you’re supporting!

Make sure you contact your Apprenticeship Advisor before starting this module as they will be able to guide you on the assessment requirements.

Win a copy of William Pike's 'Every Day's A Good Day' plus a $50 grocery voucher
This is the inspirational true story of William Pike's survival on Mt. Ruapehu. In September 2007, two young climbers were caught in a volcanic eruption on the slopes of Mount Ruapehu and William's legs were trapped under rubble.  In this book, William not only shares his story of beating the odds, but he explains how he continues to find joy and inspiration from life and how every day really is a good day.

We're giving away three copies of his book 'Every Day's a Good Day'.  Simply answer three questions by 13 March 2023 to go into the draw to win 1 of 3 copies of the book and a grocery voucher. Follow the link below.

Follow the link to enter the quiz:
Meet some fellow apprentices
These two apprentices have both overcome challenges to progress through their apprenticeship.
Dyslexia no barrier to success for diversional therapy apprentice
Apprentice overcomes challenges to help people with disabilities lead better lives
Support worker Joanne Hood is overcoming the challenges of dyslexia to succeed as a diversional therapist and bring joy to people’s lives.

Joanne lives with Irlen Syndrome, a particular type of dyslexia, where the brain is unable to properly process visual information, because of sensitivity to certain wavelengths of light. She quit school early after being told by some of her teachers that she was dumb and would never get anywhere. Her dyslexia was not picked up until much later.

With support from her employer Alzheimers Manawatu, and Careerforce, Joanne is now completing a New Zealand Apprenticeship, to become a qualified diversional therapist.
Read her full story.

Fe Hopgood leads a team supporting people with disabilities who are striving to be independent and live meaningful lives.
With thirteen years’ experience working in the disability sector, she understands the struggles and discrimination these people can face.

Thanks to a Careerforce supported apprenticeship, and commitment from her employer NZ Community Living, Fe has completed her own challenging journey. Fe had her own hurdles to overcome to recently graduate with an Apprenticeship in Community Facilitation (Disability Support).

Originally from the Philippines and with English as a second language, she has felt at a disadvantage. Navigating the digital world has also been a battle for the Team Leader.
How to use your own words - avoid plagiarism
Your original words, is a free Careerforce resource that helps you focus on ensuring that  your assessment is your own work.

Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else’s work as your own. In assessments this is seen as answers that have been copied in part, or in full, from the learning material. For assessment to be authentic, apprentices must show their own knowledge and skills.

Careerforce doesn't allow copying or plagiarism. Copying answers from the learning material doesn't demonstrate knowledge or understanding and is not valid or authentic evidence.

This short resource helps you to consider way to ensure that you provide original work and avoid plagiarism.

This is just one resource from a series of resources developed to support you in your learning and study.  Check out the full list of Learning to Learn resources here.

Understanding task words can help you succeed

Understanding the meaning of words, especially task words, can help you be clear about what is required or what the assessment is asking you to do. Task words direct you and tell you how to go about answering a question. Here are a few such words and others that you are most likely to come across frequently in your programme.

  • If you are asked to DESCRIBE something, give a detailed account of the main features or principles.
  • If you are asked to EXPLAIN something, tell how things work or how they came to be the way they are.
  • If you are being asked to IDENTIFY something, pick out what you regard as key features.
  • If you are asked to CONTRAST, emphasise the differences between two subjects.
  • If you are asked to JUSTIFY, express valid reasons for accepting a particular interpretation or conclusion.

Here, you can download a guide with many more frequently used task words or assessment terms, that may help.  

The New Zealand Society of Diversional and Recreational Therapists (NZSDRT Inc.) is excited to be able to offer two exclusive online workshops to help support Careerforce diversional therapy apprentices.

Some learners tell us that they find it challenging to work through the module information and evidence requirements in modules APP125 and APP126. These online sessions will help to give apprentices added confidence and provide a consistent message on best practice.

The following sessions are run by NZSDRT Inc. via Zoom:
  • APP125: It's about diversional and recreational therapy
    Friday 17 March 3.00pm-4.00pm
  • APP126: Develop diversional and recreational therapy care plans
    Thursday 30 March 4.00pm-5.00pm

Cost to attend each session: free to NZSDRT members, $35 for non NZSDRT members. 

For more information, please contact

To enrol in a session, follow the link below.
A Zoom link will be sent to you shortly before the event.
Where to from here....
Have you considered what you'd like to do when you finish your Level 4 apprenticeship? If you're keen to broaden your knowledge, here is some inspiration:

New Zealand Diploma in Leadership and Management (Level 5)
This leadership and management programme is for current and experienced leaders and operational managers. It has been developed specifically for those working in the health, mental health, aged support, disability, social services, youth work, cleaning and urban management sectors. >>More
See how one apprentice is progressing through qualifications to reach her goal
In August 2021, we shared a story about Oamaru Hospital worker Uinita (Nita) Tapa’atoutai who with a Level 3 NZ Certificate in Health and Wellbeing under her belt, was completing a Level 4 Apprenticeship with support from Careerforce.

Nita has since gone on to complete a Bachelor of Applied Management through Otago Polytechnic, a Certificate of Proficiency in Pacific Nutrition from Auckland University online and finally Ara’s Level Four Pre Health online, gaining her entry to Ara’s Bachelor Nursing Programme.

See how the Oamaru mum-of-five from Tonga is working hard to achieve her goal of becoming a nurse, in the recent article in the Otago Daily Times
. >>More

Great tips when answering questions
Here are some great tips from Careerforce Apprenticeship Advisor Brian Smith

When writing your answers, remember,

  • Read the question, understand what you need to do, and if you are not sure, ask your advisor.
  • Mind maps are a great way to get your key points down and build your answer.
  • I cannot read what you have left in your brain, write down the important stuff.
  • Check - have you answered the question and covered all the parts it asks for?
  • For the purpose of marking, treat me as though I do not know anything about your role and work, educate me with your knowledge.
  • Show off!  It's important to share how awesome you are and what you do.
  • Proof-read. Do this in sections of your work, using the ‘read aloud’ function in Word which can be found under the review tab.  It's a great way to hear your answer.
  • Quality over quantity. While taking me on a scenic journey writing about all manner of other things can be a nice read, or repeating the question to add volume, it's not required.
  • Take a break and come back to your assessment if you're tired or find yourself stuck.
To keep up-to-date, and read more inspirational stories about your fellow Careerforce learners, simply follow or like us on Facebook

Also, we encourage you to join the private Careerforce Apprenticeship group to link in with, and lean on your fellow apprentices.
Recommended for watching
Headspace guide to meditation
Headspace takes a friendly, animated look at the benefits of meditation while offering techniques and guided meditations to jump-start your practice.  Subjects include: how to let go, how to deal with stress, how to deal with pain and how to achieve your limitless potential. It can be seen here on Netflix.
Careerforce now part of the Te Pūkenga whānau
Te Pūkenga brings the Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) and the arranging training activities of certain Industry Training Organisations (ITOs) together to create a national network.

From 2023, all Careerforce apprentices are now enrolled with Careerforce as a business division of Te Pūkenga. It’s important to note that our services and qualifications have not changed. Support for our employers and apprentices continues, with the same team members you work with now, in the same ways and places you’re used to. See the video for more information.

Introducing the Consumer, peer support and lived experience (CPSLE) training and professional development grant
Te Pou is pleased to offer a professional development grant for consumer, peer support and lived experience (CPSLE) workers in mental health and addiction.
The grant will help cover the costs to take part in a learning activity (course or training programme) for existing CPSLE workers to develop professional knowledge and skills that enhance their CPSLE role or career. This may include reference to either or both the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi or the CPSLE competencies. Some of you, your colleagues or peers may qualify.

Applications for the CPSLE Training and professional development grants open on Thursday 2 March and close at midday on Friday 31 March 2023.

For more information, and to apply, visit Te Pou's website.

Free counselling to all Careerforce learners
Careerforce enrolled learners who are going through a tough time can now access a free counselling service, available throughout New Zealand, from the professional employee assistance provider Vitae. More information:
See previous newsletters
for more hints and tips

You can look back on previous issues of this newsletter for more ideas to help you really take charge of your apprenticeship journey.  You'll also find more news stories to help keep you motivated.

Previous issues of the apprenticeship newsletter can be found here

Stay Connected
Join the Apprenticeship Facebook Group to link in with your fellow apprentices. Follow the Careerforce Facebook Page for some inspiration, stories and important announcements.

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