Rōpū Taupuhipuhi Āmio | National Mobile Support Team NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2022
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What is Rōpū Taupuhipuhi Āmio | National Mobile Support
This team has been created to support ākonga who have indicated their Māori heritage (your colleagues are welcome too) to have the option to study in a way that is culturally meaningful.
Our vision:
Ākonga Māori will navigate and exercise their mana motuhake and strive for success throughout their learning journey and aspire to be leaders in their workplaces and communities.
Our priorities (in brief): We will work closely with ākonga and their employers and communities, to develop good channels of communication, plan noho marae and wānanga together, understand resource needs, and incorporate whānau values and tikanga Māori to support ākonga to succeed in their studies and work-life and so give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Our concept: Learning is often referred to as a journey. Some of the greatest journeys made
were by our ancestors who departed their known shores to explore and adventure to unknown shores. This took great skill, preparation, courage, and perseverance. To venture they needed navigation skills, sails to capture the winds, a rudder to harness the currents and set the course, and provisions to sustain energy.
We are here to help you learn and understand how to navigate; through good resources we’ll help add wind to the sails; we aim for good communication to understand what is happening in your world so we can support you to hold the rudder true through any current; and we want to help you identify the ‘provisions’ that will sustain you to the end.
Who are Rōpū Taupuhipuhi Āmio | National Mobile Support Team?
Karioi te maunga Ko Whaingaroa te moana Ko Tainui te waka Ko Tainui te iwi Ko Ngāti Māhanga te hapu Ko Mōtakotako te Marae Ko Hineoma Paekau-Rush tōku ingoa He kaiwhakahaere Taupuhipuhi Āmio tāku tūranga mahi
Hineoma Paekau-Rush: Kaihautū | Manager
My previous roles include Māori Transformation Lead for the Workforce Development Council - Toitu Te Waiora, and Careerforce Apprenticeship Advisor
where I managed a portfolio of employers, organisations and trainees studying the Level 4 Health and Wellbeing programmes.
Prior to this I worked with the Ministry of Education to support our Māori and Pacific young people with NCEA Levels 1 and 2, and for over 20 years I worked at various levels as a Social Worker. My aim was to future-proof and
strengthen all New Zealanders through creating safe homes, education, and community-based support.
Careerforce has a new team - Rōpū Taupuhipuhi Āmio | National Mobile Support team, focused on delivering wānanga and workshops to support Māori in the first instance, but also colleagues and those who have been historically underserved. The team will work with our field staff and employers to develop a meaningful learning pathway around wānanga and workshops that will assist and enhance the learners' engagement and participation through their qualification journey.
Taranaki me Ngāti Kahungunu ngā iwi Ko Kurahaupo me Takitimu ngā waka Ko Pūniho me Te Rongo a Tahu ngā Marae Ko Rākei Ngaia tōku ingoa
Rākei Ngaia: Kaitaunaki | Facilitator
Keen on sports and a father to four daughters, I join Rōpu Taupuhipuhi Āmio as a Kaitaunaki. My previous roles include Māori Health
Advisor for Health Hawkes Bay (Primary Health Org) and more recently a Careerforce Apprenticeship Advisor working with learners in the Level 4 Health and Wellbeing programmes. I was drawn to Careerforce because of the contribution of this work to the macro picture across the health and social sectors as well as the micro picture for
social sectors as well as the micro picture for individuals working in those spaces.
Outside of
work, I like to spend time with my four daughters, wider whānau and friends, and sport - I’m keen on most sports, in particular Rugby League, Basketball and Boxing. I like training, learning languages, travelling and good food and I’m currently learning to play the guitar and drums.
E tū, e tū, e tū te mauri ā Rongo, tū te Rangi e tū iho nei, tū te Papa e takoto mai nei, ka whakapapa pounamu te wai, kei marino te moana te whare ā Tangaroa,
kā eke ngā ngaru, eke Pānuku, eke Tangaroa. Kā eke ki te kāhui ō ngā Atua huiē tāiki ē!
Ko Manaia Te Maunga
Ko Taihāruru Te Awa
Ko Uruao, ko Ngātokimatawhaorua aku Waka Ko Kākā Porowini Te Marae
Ko Te Waiariki me Ngāpuhi aku Iwi
Ko Ngāti Kororā me Ngāti Hine aku Hapū Ko Taipari Mahanga ahau.
Taipari Mahanga: Kaitaunaki | Facilitator
I ahu mai au nō te Tai Tokerau ara ko Whāngarei Te Rerengā Paraoa. E rua tekau mā whitu tau au e noho ana ki Waitaha, ara, ko
Wāku mahi kei te takiwā nei;
1995 He kaiako au ki Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Whānau Tahi.
1999 He Poukaiako ki Te Kura o Otumatua (Halswell Residential College). 2005 He kaiako (tauira) ki Te Kura Whakapūmau i Te Reo Tūturu ki Waitaha. 2010 He Kaitakawaenga Whānau (Whānau Practitioner) Purapura Whetu. 2015 He Pūkenga Atawhai ki Te Pōari Hauora ō Waitaha (Specialist Mental Health (Forensics) CDHB). 2018 He Kaitakawaenga mō te Mema Paremata o Te Tai Tonga Rino Tirikātene. 2022 He Kaitaunaki mō te Toi Pūkenga (National Mobile Support Team Facilitator for Careerforce NZ).
I uru mai au ki te Te Toi
Pūkenga hei arataki wā tātou kaimahi ki te hīkoi tahi, ā Māori mai, ā Pākeha mai. Kia anga whakamua e Ngāi tātou te Iwi Māori, ahakoa te aha. Ko wāku hākaro, wāku moemoea noki, mā ngā mātāpono Māori, Tikanga, Reo me ngā Kawa tātou e kawea mai, e arahi mai.
Ki te akiaki ā mātou tauira Māori ki te ekea ki ngā puhitaioreore ahakoa kei hea rātou e mahi ana.
Wāku kitenga mo Te Toi Pūkenga (Te Rōpu Taupuhipuhi Āmio), kei ngā rā, kei ngā tau e heke mai ana, mā wā tātou Ākonga, Tauira ki te tū Mana motuhake mai, ahakoa kei hea rātou i te Ao
hurihuri nei.
Nā reira kia kaha mai e tātou mā, kaua e ngū te arero Māori, kaua e whakataha atu ngā kawa me ngā Tikanga.
Ko Akatokamanava tōku moutere Ko Moana-nui-a-kiwa tōku moana Ko Mata Atua tōku waka Ko Ngāti Nurau tōku iwi Ko Rakuipo tōku
marae Ko Areora tōku kāinga Ko Aipo tōku whenua No Kūki ‘Āirani me Aotearoa ahau Ko Edna Torea-Allan tōku ingoa
Edna Torea-Allan: Kairuruku | Coordinator
My previous roles include graphic design, Assistant in a dementia day centre, counselling with older people, and with Careerforce I was on the Aka
Toi team for several years. I am excited to be the Kairuruku for this new team. I was born in Rarotonga and have lived and worked between New Zealand and Rarotonga for many years; as a child I lived in Fiji for just over 5 years. Recently I have been privileged to work online from Rarotonga so that I could spend time caring for my mother who is no longer independent.
In all my work, my passion is to support people to succeed; whether that is encouraging someone with dementia to express themselves and feel heard,
or helping a person understand their choices and reactions, or teaching Aka Toi navigation and tips so the focus can be on the learning and tasks and not the platform, the goal is that the person gains the confidence to achieve what they hope or strive for.
E ngākaunui ana au ki te angitūtanga o te tangata.
Awesome support - A real whānau feel – I achieved lots!
These were some of kōrero received after Rōpū Taupuhipuhi Āmio’s first Noho Marae at Kaingahoa Marae, Kaikohe. Ākonga and kaimahi enjoyed great kai, thought provoking and fun activities, and a whānau kaupapa while also working towards completing ākonga mahi. These noho marae are an opportunity for ākonga to come together and kōrero with each other and Careerforce kaimahi, meet others working in similar kaupapa
and start to build networks, have focused study time, complete a mahi in the form of modules and unit standards, and be in a kaupapa Māori; incorporating tikanga into daily activity. Whether you are doing level 2, 3 or 4 or an Apprenticeship, so long as you are enrolled with Careerforce, nau mai haere mai, you will be welcomed. We aim to run Noho Marae study events at regular times throughout the year across different parts of Aotearoa. When we will be in your area you will receive an email invitation (so make sure your email details are up to date with us). Our next noho will be in Ahipara, Northland the weekend of 18-20 November. If you are interested in attending a Noho Marae, have any pātai, would like to do your assessments in Te Reo Māori, or if you would like some extra tautoko, feel free to contact the team on amio.mobile@careerforce.org.nz
Mehemea ka moemoeā ahau, ko ahau anake.Mehemea ka moemoeā tātou, ka taea e tātou—Te Puea Herangi If I dream, I dream alone. If we dream as a collective, we can achieve our dream
Careerforce is a business division of Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning Limited