Read the latest: reporting overdue assessments, ChatGPT, how to give good feedback, assessor spotlight and more...
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Welcome to the latest quarterly edition of REAL Assessor News. We hope you'll find this issue valuable to your role as an assessor. View this newsletter on our website.

If you've received this email but aren't currently assessing, please let us know by emailing
Reminder: Reporting overdue assessments via iportal
Paper-based learners who have not heard back from their assessor within 15 days of submitting an assessment, can now report it via iportal.

Learn more about this new capability >
New micro-credentials for disability support workers
Careerforce has released two new micro-credentials for the disability support sector.

These micro-credentials are for people who completed a Health and Wellbeing apprenticeship with a different specialism and want to complete the disability specialism.

Coming soon: Short presentation on Enabling Good Lives: Careerforce staff will also be hosting a short virtual presentation on the history of disability within Aotearoa leading up to the Enabling Good Lives initiative. This will be available for assessors to help understand and provide context around Enabling Good Lives. Dates and further information will be provided soon.
Feedback - What is it, why it's needed and what's the best way to give it?
Feedback is part of the learning process. It enables the learners to understand what they have done well, therefore enabling them to repeat the process in future assessments.

See the best ways to provide feedback to your learners >
Assistive Technology resources for learners with disabilities or English as a second language
Ako Aotearoa, in partnership with Open Polytechnic | Te Pūkenga, has developed an Assistive Technology resource to help educators/workplace trainers support learners with learning difficulties, neurodivergence or those with English as a second language.
The collection includes an overview of tools within Microsoft Office, browser extensions, low-vision learner tools, software, hardware and simple apps.

Check out the Assistive Technology resources via Ako Aotearoa >
Assessor Spotlight: Kanaka Surapaneni
Meet Careerforce registered assessor Kanaka Surapaneni.

Kanaka is a Christchurch-based Diversional Therapist and workplace trainer, and assesses for the New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing, levels 2, 3 & 4.

Get to know Kanaka >
Authenticity in the world of ChatGPT
It's likely you've heard how capable ChatGPT is at crafting detailed responses to questions, writing poems and translating languages.

But when it comes to learners' assessments, the use of ChatGPT is something we need to be on the look-out for.

Aka Toi is getting a face-lift
Aka Toi is getting a makeover in August. These updates will result in some downtime for Aka Toi at the time of the upgrade.

The actual site navigation will remain much the same but with new Te Pūkenga branding.
You can refer to your Aka Toi dashboard for the exact date and time. We expect to roll out further enhancements to continue to improve the user experience. If you have any queries or experience issues at the time, please email
Free enrolment on Health and Wellbeing Level 2 and 3
To help address workforce development challenges and financial pressures that
many in our health and wellbeing sectors continue to face, we are offering a
Winter Booster promotion.

  • Free enrolment on all New Zealand Certificate in Health & Wellbeing Level 2 & 3 programmes – Employer-Led Enrolments
  • Half-price enrolment on all New Zealand Certificate in Health & Wellbeing Level 2 & 3 programmes – Full-Service Enrolments

This is for domestic enrolments only. For employer-led enrolments, the employer assigns one of their own workplace-based staff members (registered assessor) to provide assessment support to the learner. For full-service enrolments, learners are assigned an assessor by Careerforce.

Promotion Duration – July/August/September

This offer is available until 5pm, Friday 29 September 2023. For more information, including terms and conditions, visit our website.

2022 Annual Employer Survey - the results are in
Our sixth annual employer survey was conducted back in Nov/Dec, and while our response rate was lower than previous years, it was pleasing to see overall satisfaction remaining relatively stable with previous years.

As we have done for each of the last 5 years, we have spent significant time analysing the results, and all employer verbatim feedback to identify any themes emerging. We have distilled all this down into the report that we are now pleased to share with you – this details the topline results, key findings, and also shares the actions that we have committed to address areas of concern.

We hope you can take the time to review the report, and welcome the opportunity to discuss any aspects further. As always however, we do welcome your feedback at any time.

Read the 2022 Careerforce Annual Employer Survey

Join our Wednesday Hono Mai sessions
Need mārama (clarity) or support with any assessment practice questions? Join our weekly virtual Hono Mai sessions to connect with a Careerforce moderator.

  • Each Wednesday
  • 1 - 2pm

Join the meeting via iportal
You can join the meeting link by logging into iportal. Just click on the ‘Hono Mai meeting for assessors’ menu option. If you get stuck, email
This newsletter is sent to all Careerforce registered assessors.  You can view an online copy on our website.
Archive copies can be downloaded from the Careerforce website.  Follow this link and scroll down to view and download archive newsletters:

We do appreciate all the support and guidance you give to your trainees. As usual, if have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us:

Assessor Support:
Moderation Support:
Join our Wednesday Hono Mai sessions via iportal

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