E M P L O Y E R N E W S L E T T E R | N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 0
HAVE YOUR SAY! Employer Survey closes soon! Care worker embraces online learning New e-learning module for COVID-19 swabbing Free enrolment in Cleaning and Business
Welcome to Careerforce's November update
Kia ora
Welcome to the November edition of Skills for Good. In this edition, Golden Bay Community Health care worker, Carol Robinson, talks about Careerforce’s Aka Toi online learning platform and the way this has enabled her in her learning journey.
A reminder that the Careerforce Employer Survey closes on Friday November 27th. We would love to hear from you. Your feedback identifies areas we are doing well and areas we could do better. Your feedback will help shape the supports and services we offer our stakeholders in 2021.
As we prepare for the end of the year, please note that Careerforce offices will be closed for the holidays. Our last working day is on Wednesday, 23 December. We will re-open on Wednesday, 6 Jan 2021.
Andrew Saunders General Manager, Employer Services
HAVE YOUR SAY! Employer Survey - Closing Friday
Our 2020 annual employer survey closes this Friday (27 November), and we really want to hear from you. Your responses
give us an understanding of how we’re performing, and where we can improve.
Just a reminder that this survey is conducted by an external research company, Carte Blanche, and all responses are completely anonymised. Email invites are sent by Carte Blanche (Kate McRoberts). If you can’t find the survey invite, or can’t recall getting the email survey invite, please email Marcomms, and we will arrange for a survey link to be sent.
Remember that every 20th survey completion receives a $50 Prezzy
Blenheim health navigator driven by thirst for knowledge
Left: John Leggett, Mayor of Marlborough, Right: Niki Waitai*
Growing up in Australia as a young Māori woman, Niki Waitai was keen to bring her family home, to get back to her roots and give back to her community.
“We wanted our kids to have a sense of belonging, their identity, a sense of who they are. I missed that, being Māori in another country,” says Niki.
Now back home, Niki is an inspiration to others. She is passionate about her learning, her culture, her support for those in hardship, and has a determination to grow and succeed whilst juggling her other commitments.
Niki returned to Blenheim four years ago and was grateful to Māori health provider, Te Piki Oranga for giving her the opportunity. “They supported me through my work, and through the process of learning on-the-job.”
Impressively, Niki completed the New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing Levels 2 and 3 in just one year, with support from industry training organisation, Careerforce. Niki has since completed the NZ Diploma in Health and Wellbeing (Level 5) Applied Practice.
“At the end of all the study, my goal is to be a social worker and I’m applying next year to do a degree in social work. The possibilities are endless. Careerforce has truly helped me have that zest for learning.”
*Photo: Industry Training Graduation Ceremony, (Mayors Taskforce for Jobs Programme) November 2019. Niki receives her award for completing the New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Level 3).
You can win a morning tea worth $100 for your team! Congratulations to Robin Slade from
Brain Injury Waikato who won a morning tea from the last issue. Read on to find out how to enter.....
Care worker embraces online learning to sprint through her qualifications
“I wear my badges proudly - they give me a
sense of value and a sense of achievement.”
Golden Bay Community Health care worker, Carol Robinson progressed from Health and Wellbeing Level 2 trainee to registered assessor in just three years. Now she is completing a first line management qualification, all with the help of Careerforce’s Aka Toi online
learning. Tucked away in the north west tip of South Island, Golden Bay Community Health, which is governed by Nelson Bays Primary Health provides a valuable home, hospital level, respite and palliative care to the local community, saving people a four-hour round trip to Nelson Hospital.
Despite being a ‘people’ business, trainees at Golden Bay have been quick to embrace technology. Careerforce developed a blended system that combines online learning with person-to-person interaction. “The online learning is fantastic because you can access it whenever you like, easily and quickly, no matter how busy your life is,” says Carol. “In my assessor role, I'm in the position to help twenty-eight or so HCAs (health care assistants) who are going through Careerforce training. I get them to access the learning on their mobiles, so they can see any
marking that comes through.”
New e-learning module helps support kaiāwhina to perform COVID-19 swabbing
Testing is an essential part of New Zealand’s COVID-19 elimination strategy. By identifying cases, the virus can be stamped out before it has had a chance to spread widely. The Ministry of Health has identified that increasing the COVID-19 testing workforce is critical to managing current testing demand, workforce sustainability as well as planning,
preparedness and capacity to respond to future outbreaks.
Registered nurses and medical personnel have been the mainstay of the COVID-19 swabbing workforce, with health care assistants often providing administrative support at testing sites.
By upskilling health care assistants or kaiāwhina to perform COVID-19 swabbing, the over reliance on registered nurses and medical personnel to carry out this task is reduced. To help grow their ‘swabbing workforce’, the Ministry of Health approached industry training organisation (ITO), Careerforce to develop a new learning module.
NZ Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Advanced Care and Support) Level 4 New Programme Development Update
We have had extensive consultation with the sectors (aged residential care, home and community, disability and DHBs) on the unit standards to be included in the programme for Advanced Care and Support.
We would like to thank our stakeholders that were part of the consultation throughout this challenging year and for taking time out of your busy schedules to provide valuable contributions.
Here's how we have progressed so far:
2018 – We consulted… Sectors identified a need for additional communication and clinical focused skills.
2019 – We listened and changed… The Advanced Care and Support qualification was approved with 2 new outcomes in communication and clinical focused skills. The credit value for the qualification was increased to 120 credits.
2020 – We are now developing… With consultation from sectors, we are developing the Careerforce programme for Advanced Care and Support.
2021 – We are reviewing and creating… Learning and assessments will be designed and tested with the sectors. The new Advanced Care
and Support programme will be launched.
A key priority in the establishment of Te Pukenga is the development of its operating model, and one of the principles of this operating model will be ‘learner at the
centre’ (LATC). Careerforce is part of a LATC working group, and as part of a national roadshow, has engaged with a number of employers and learners to ensure the barriers and enablers to successful workplace-based training are well understood, and ultimately, reflected in the operating model. Thank you to everyone involved.
Not too much other progress to report this month - transitioning to a whole new vocational education system is a significant undertaking, and this is reflected in the expected timelines. Stephen Town, Te Pukenga’s inaugural Chief Executive recently provided an update; “Our transformation emphasis is on the start of the 2023 learning year, when [Te Pukenga] will be operating under a new model that prioritises equity for Māori and places learners at the centre. Developing a cohesive sustainable vocational education system is not going to be a simple task.”
While there are a number of questions yet to be answered, we are always more than happy to share what we do know, so please just shout out to your Careerforce contact if you would like an update on any aspects of RoVE.
Free enrolment in cleaning and business programmes until end December 2020
There are no enrolment fees for workplaces wishing to enrol their
staff into Careerforce cleaning and business programmes this year. Careerforce has made the decision to waive enrolment fees for the New Zealand Certificate in Cleaning (Levels 2 and 3) and the New Zealand Diploma in Business (Leadership and Management) (Level 5)*.
Remember to enrol your trainees before the end of December 2020 to qualify for free enrolments!
*For enrolments in NZ Diploma in Business (Level 5) that are eligible for Fees Free or for any applicable grants, these entitlements will take precedence
over the Careerforce free enrolment offer.
Qualification Review Update
As the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) appointed qualification developer for Health & Wellbeing qualifications, we are undergoing a major review of a number of qualifications. This is a requirement of the NZQA for all qualifications listed within the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF), and is also good practice to ensure they remain fit for purpose.
Rehab L4 – Awaiting NZQA Approval
The reviewed qualification was submitted to NZQA on 5 November. We are now awaiting approval from NZQA.
Skills for Living L1 – Awaiting NZQA Approval
The reviewed qualification was submitted to NZQA on 12 October. We are now awaiting approval from NZQA.
PCPA L4 – Awaiting NZQA Approval
The reviewed qualification was submitted to NZQA on 12 November. We are now awaiting approval from NZQA.
Social & Community L4 – Awaiting NZQA Approval
The reviewed qualification was submitted to NZQA on 5 November. We are now awaiting approval from NZQA.
Public Health L5 – Reviewed qualification approved by NZQA, awaiting NZQF listing
The reviewed qualification was approved by NZQA on 28 August. We are awaiting for NZQA to update their website to reflect the approval.
Jobs for Good Your free recruitment platform
Keep the vacancies coming, and remember; it’s free, it’s easy, and it’s super-targeted. Go here to list any vacancies.
Last month we promised to give away a $50 prezzy card to the person who listed the 200th vacancy. The lucky winner is: The Chris Ruth Centre Trust
Win a morning tea worth $100
Simply complete three questions correctly to be in the draw to win a morning tea for your team. The quiz closes on 8 December 2020. To enter, follow the link below:
Find out more about:
- Careerforce Qualification Programmes >> More
- Gateway and Vocational Pathways
- How to contact your local Careerforce Workplace Advisor >>More
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