              E M P L O Y E R   N E W S L E T T E R   |  J U N E   2 0 2 2    
In this Issue
Matariki 2022
Strong learner and financial results for 2021
Transition plan into Te Pūkenga is approved

2021 Annual Employer Survey

Welcome to Careerforce's June update
Mānawatia a Matariki

There is no doubt that Covid has constrained levels of workplace based training activity, particularly over late 2021 and early 2022. We are however now starting to see some signs of a rebound in levels of enrolments and assessment activity, and we trust and hope that this reflects an easing of the pressures that you have all been facing for so long. Our nationwide team of advisors are quite social by nature, and I know that they are loving the opportunities to get back out and about, and engaging face to face.

As you will read below, the transition of our ‘arranging training’ function into Te Pūkenga has now been formally approved by the Tertiary Education Commission, and we will become a business division of Te Pūkenga’s Work Based Learning subsidiary from 1 September of this year. This is a ‘lift and shift’ of our people and processes, and the biggest change you will really notice for some time is the presence of co-branding across our activities. There is an absolute commitment to increase levels of workplace based learning within the new system of vocational education, and so while there will be further changes over time, we are confident that these will only serve to enhance what we do today.

In this issue, we also share our 2021 annual results, and also the findings from our 2021 annual employer survey. There is much to be pleased with within these, and we believe that we will be transitioning into Te Pūkenga in a very strong shape.

Ngā mihi nui

Jane Wenman
Careerforce Chief Executive

A time for remembrance, celebrating the present and looking to the future
Let’s take this opportunity to reflect on the past year... the challenges that our sector has faced and in spite of those, the many successes achieved.  We thank all our amazing care and support workers, and to you, our workplaces who continuously help them support the vulnerable in our community. Many of us will celebrate Matariki as an official public holiday for the first time on Friday, but we also acknowledge those of you who will continue to do the important mahi that day. Find out more about Matariki below:
Strong learner and financial results for 2021
We are pleased to share our 2021 annual report which will be Careerforce’s last, after the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) Board last month formally approved the transition of Careerforce’s arranging training function to Te Pūkenga.

Chief Executive, Jane Wenman, says

“2021 had all the makings of a very challenging year for Careerforce due to the continued business disruptions across our sectors brought about by Covid-19, and the ongoing uncertainties posed by RoVE. Despite this, it is particularly pleasing to be able to report such strong learner and financial results for 2021.”

Standout results for 2021 included:
  • The support of a record number of 19,541 workplace-based learners, and working with a record number of 2,042 worksites across New Zealand
  • 25% growth in enrolments on 2020, with 12,609 new enrolments
  • 14% growth in programme completions on 2020, with 6,912 completions
  • 22% increase in revenue to $27.9m.
Careerforce transition plan into Te Pūkenga approved
A further key milestone in the implementation of the Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE) was achieved recently, with the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) Board formally approving our transition plan.

We will transition our arranging training function, learners and employees to Te Pūkenga on 1 September 2022, joining five other already transitioned ITOs as a separate business division within Te Pūkenga's Work Based Learning subsidiary.
All current Careerforce staff, programmes, systems and processes will also transition across to Te Pūkenga.

Jane Wenman commented; “The approval of our transition plan into Te Pūkenga represents the culmination of significant work, since the reform was first announced back in February 2019, and since the formation of Te Pūkenga in April 2020. This TEC decision provides greater certainty for our employers, learners and staff, and our focus now shifts to ensuring as seamless a transition as possible into Te Pūkenga on 1 September.  Our employers and learners are already under immense pressure due to ongoing systemic workforce shortages combined with the impacts of Covid-19 across the health and wellbeing sector, and it is critical that we minimise any further disruption.”
2021 Annual Employer Survey
Our fifth annual employer survey was conducted back in November, and we had our highest ever response rate. This was especially pleasing given the challenging Covid environment that you were working in at the time, and that you continue to work in. Also pleasing was overall satisfaction remaining relatively stable over recent years.

As we have done for each of the last 4 years, we have spent significant time analysing the results, and all your verbatim feedback to identify any issue themes emerging. We have distilled all this down into the report that we are now pleased to share with you – this details the topline results, key findings from the survey, and also shares the actions that we have committed to, to address any areas of concern.

We hope you can take the time to review the report, and welcome the opportunity to discuss any aspects further. As always however, we do welcome your feedback at any time.
Volunteer week sparks Careerforce appreciation for support workers
Wheelbarrows, fingernail painting, boardgames and more. This week, Careerforce staff have given up their time and stepped away from their desks to help the sectors in which we support.

To celebrate Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu National Volunteer Week (19 – 25 June), teams from across the country have rolled up their sleeves – literally – for a day with their local hospice or aged care facility. The initiative was met with a strong appreciation for the rewarding and often challenging tasks care and support workers do each day.

Read more about how some of our staff have spent their time with their local hospice or Nurse Maude this week.

Left: Careerforce Christchurch team members with Nurse Maude Te Ora Programme Coordinator, Heidi Heim. Right: Apprenticeship Advisor Eric Kneepkens and Staff Assessor Leanne Nicholas loading up wheelbarrows at Nelson Tasman Hospice.

"Don't change yourself to impress others...
......Just be yourself because you are a beautiful wāhine."
That's a special piece of advice Madison received from her support worker, Kiri.
Kiri and Madison's story is the latest in the LifeChangingCareers campaign, and we're so excited to share it with you.
Kiri Epapara has always been a kaiāwhina, caring for the health and wellbeing of her whānau.

“It’s always been part of my life. I am just doing what I am meant to do,” says Kiri, who has been working as a Māori Community Lifeskills Facilitator at St Chad’s, supporting people with disabilities.

To find out more about Kiri, watch the video or read her story
Level 5 graduate overcomes self-doubt to be a better leader
IDEA Services is enhancing the leadership and management skills of its team with support from Careerforce. As New Zealand’s largest provider of services to people with intellectual disabilities, the development of its managers is a key goal. More than 200 IDEA Services managers are being enrolled in the New Zealand Diploma in Leadership and Management (Level 5) qualification as part of a phased roll out, that is already seeing positive and impressive outcomes.
Paraparaumu service manager, Karen Macilquham started as a support worker with IDEA Services more than 25 years ago. She has been a service manager for the past nine years and is one of the latest managers to successfully complete the diploma programme.
“Karen had no real experience of tertiary study, yet was able to complete this qualification through hard work and determination,” says Careerforce assessor, Regan Cotter.
“She pushed on through the self-doubt she had about her own capabilities, and uses the confidence she gained to keep her own staff motivated through their training.”
Karen and her team support adults of all ages with intellectual disabilities to live in their own homes and enjoy life as part of their communities.
“As a manager I make sure that we provide a range of quality services for the people we support, and ensure there’s enough staff onboard to carry them out. This includes training and coaching, orientating new staff, having regular meetings with facilities, and developing programmes for the people we support,” says Karen.
Free enrolment in the Business Level 5 Programme until 31 December 2022
There are no enrolment fees for workplaces wishing to enrol their staff into the Careerforce business programme this year. Careerforce made the decision to waive enrolment fees for the New Zealand Diploma in Business (Leadership and Management) (Level 5) *
Enrolment fees are being waived for all enrolments up until 31 December 2022.

The Level 5 leadership and management programme is for current leaders and managers with direct reports.  This diploma recognises the employee’s skills and experience while building on their existing knowledge to manage and lead teams effectively. Managers are then able to adapt modern business practice tools and strategies into their own workplace setting. Managers and team leaders will develop the skills and knowledge required to contribute to the achievement of an organisation’s operational objectives.

Enrolment also remains free across all other Careerforce programmes until 31 December 2022, courtesy of the Government’s Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund (TTAF).

*For enrolments in NZ Diploma in Business (Level 5) that are eligible for Fees Free or for any applicable grants, these entitlements will take precedence over the Careerforce free enrolment offer.

3 month minimum enrolment period
from 1 September
In the April issue of Skills for Good, we announced that we were introducing a minimum 3 month enrolment period for any new training agreements across our training programmes. Our training agreements have now been updated to reflect this change, and this will apply to any completions being processed from 1 September. Please note that this minimum enrolment period applies to any new enrolments into programmes (including Limited Credit Programmes) that lead to the award of a New Zealand Qualification or Apprenticeship.
Apprenticeship Boost - extension through to Dec 2023
The Apprenticeship Boost fund first became available in August 2020, and was scheduled to end in August 2022. As part of Budget 2022, the Government announced the extension of Apprenticeship Boost through to December 2023, supported by $230m additional funding.
  • The Apprenticeship Boost fund is available for the first 24 months of an apprenticeship programme, but is only available until December 2023.
  • Via the Targeted Training & Apprenticeship Fund (TTAF), enrolment fees remain free until December 2022. Prior to TTAF, apprenticeship enrolment fees were $2,000 (incl GST).

If you enrol a new apprentice now, you will be able to claim Apprenticeship Boost payments of $10,000, and get free enrolment (saving $2,000) – a net effect of $12,000 per apprentice.

If you wait until March next year, you will only be able to claim Apprenticeship Boost payments of $5,000, and there will no longer be free enrolment via TTAF – a net effect of $3,000 per apprentice. To enrol staff onto one of our Apprenticeship programmes, please reach out to your regular Careerforce contact.
Speedmeet is back for 2022
SpeedMeet provides the opportunity for employers looking for new talent to meet with secondary school students looking for a career. Think job-hunting speed-dating style!
Employers meet with each student for six minutes, then both note whether they’d like to see each other again. Matches are made and contact details are shared for another meeting.

With the support of the Ministry of Education, Careerforce has teamed up with other industry training organisations to organise nine SpeedMeet events across Aotearoa in August and September.
It’s free to participate, and dates and locations are below:
Register today!
To find out more and to register your workplace, see the event page on the Careerforce website.
Hono Mai forum for assessors
In May, Careerforce launched a weekly online forum to assist assessors with any assessment practice questions. During each Hono Mai session, a Careerforce moderator is available to help assessors provide mārama (clarity) or support.

Assessors can join the meeting link via iportal:
  • Wednesdays
  • 1-2pm
  • Online

More information is on the Careerforce website.
Programme updates to Dementia LCP and Cleaning Level 2
Relevant employers and assessors of trainees enrolled in Dementia LCP and Cleaning Level 2 have been advised of updates to these programmes.

Dementia Care (LCP) has replaced the current version of the programme (Dementia LCP), and enrolments into this new programme opened this week. Not only has the name of this programme changed, but the average duration has reduced from 6 to 4 months and one unit standard has been replaced. Read more about the update to the Dementia LCP.

The New Zealand Certificate in Cleaning (Level 2) programme with a strand in Health Care Facilities Cleaning has also been updated. The credit value has increased from 40-45 to 43-48 and two new Customer Service and Communication units have been added to the programme. The updated programme launches on 4 July. Read more about the update to Cleaning Level 2.

Other programmes being updated this year:
  • Health and Wellbeing Level 2
  • Health and Wellbeing Level 3
  • Cleaning Level 3 and specialisations
  • Careerforce Apprenticeship programmes

We will be advising you as and when programmes are updated, including what you and your staff need to know.

'Learning to Learn' resources for trainees
We encourage you to share these 'Learning to Learn' resources with your learners.  They were developed for people who are new to learning, or coming back to learning after some time away, but will be handy for most people undergoing study.
Empower your staff! Remind trainees to register on iportal
With an iportal login, your trainees can:
  • Access the Careerforce resource library
  • View and download their training progress report on demand

Since December last year, access to the Careerforce Library of paper-based learning resources is only via a secure login on the Careerforce iportal site. We've contacted trainees to explain how they can continue to access the resources using their new iportal login.  They can also view and download their own training progress reports on demand.
We encourage you to remind your trainees about this in case they have yet to register.

Jobs for Good – list your vacancies now
The relaunch of the Workforce Diversity Campaign is continuing to drive people looking for care and support work to our Jobs for Good site.  List your vacancies on the site and leverage the success of the campaign.

We are also driving people to the website via google advertising.

If you have a vacancy, make sure you don't miss out.

Remember, Jobs for Good is free, it’s easy to list vacancies, and it’s super-targeted.
Accessing the most up-to-date Training Agreements and other forms
This is just a reminder that the Training Agreement form can be accessed from the forms page on the Careerforce website.  It's important that you use the latest form, as it is updated from time to time.  This also applies to other forms, such as the Organisation Registration Form, or the Standalone Unit Standard Application.
New opportunities at Careerforce
Feel free to share these vacancies with your colleagues and whānau who you think may be interested. If they have a passion for helping people achieve, enjoy working as part of a team and value quality care in New Zealand, we would be interested in hearing from them.
  • Careerforce Apprenticeship Advisor - within Lower North Island
    closes 27 June >More
  • Careerforce Apprenticeship Advisor - within Bay of Plenty and Waikato Regions
    closes 27 June >More
  • Assessor Leadership & Management – Nationwide
    closes 4 July >More
Popular links
Find out more about:
  • Careerforce Qualification Programmes >> More
  • Gateway and Vocational Pathways >>More
  • How to contact your local Careerforce Workplace Advisor >>More
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