E M P L O Y E R N E W S L E T T E R | N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 9
2019 Employer Survey - have your say Listening to our disability sector Trainee communications are up and running Free literacy and numeracy support
Welcome to your Careerforce November update
Kia ora
Recently we
undertook a series of workshops with stakeholders, regarding the Reform of Vocational Education. Stakeholders had the opportunity to hear direct from the Tertiary Education Commission and ask questions. Feedback to date indicates that stakeholders found these workshops valuable to further confirm the information we had been providing in this newsletter. Thanks to everyone who attended these workshops as they form a crucial part in shaping the future of Vocational Education in New Zealand.
On 1st October we introduced a welcome pack for people enrolling in Careerforce qualifications. We have sent out 914 welcome packs over the past six weeks with the feedback being overwhelmingly positive. We look forward to continuing this initiative into 2020.
Our 2019 Employer Survey is live! I encourage you to complete this survey. It provides us with important information, which we use to craft our planning and activity for the coming
year. I wish you and your team all the very best in the countdown to Christmas.
Andrew Saunders General Manager, Employer Services
Win a morning tea worth $100 for your team!
2019 Annual Employer Survey – Have your say
Personalised survey
invites for the 2019 annual employer survey were sent out on Friday 1 November, with the survey due to close on Friday 29 November.
We take the results from this annual survey very seriously, and a number of the changes we have introduced over the last two years have been a direct result of the feedback you have provided in the two previous surveys. We strongly encourage you to take the time to give us your feedback, and can provide an absolute assurance around anonymity of responses.
If you’ve ‘lost’ the survey invite email, the email came from ‘Kate McRoberts’ from Carte Blanche (research company), and you may need to check your spam or junk folders. If it appears that you haven’t been sent a survey invite, and you would like to participate, send an email to marcomms@careerforce.org.nz.
As with last year, every 20th completion will receive a $50 prezzy card, and we will share top line results and resultant actions with you in the new year.
Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE) update
Over the last month, we coordinated a series of
events aimed at gathering your feedback to help inform the development of Workforce Development Councils, notably their coverage and governance arrangements. Thank you to everyone who participated - we were very pleased with the levels of engagement in these workshops, and intend upon conducting more of these as the reforms are implemented.
The summary of feedback from these workshops that was provided to the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) can be found here.
Listening to the voices of those with lived experience
One of
Careerforce’s 2019 challenges is to listen to the voices of those with lived experience.
We called for nominations and in September established, a tangata whaikaha, disability and whānau lived experience advisory group. The group will help to shape Careerforce’s understanding, inform qualification reviews, and co-create programme learning, assessment and implementation reviews.
A fantastic response was received from the disability sector to our request for Expressions of Interest. We then established a group of four, fun, diverse and experienced individuals. We are so pleased to introduce them. Click
'Read More' to learn more about the individuals.
Trainee communications are up and running!
In last year’s employer survey, you told us that you wanted us to have stronger engagement with trainees, particularly at commencement. We have since launched email welcome communications to all trainees enrolled from 1 September. We have also created a Training Support page on our website featuring key information to help them get started.
We recognise that not all trainees will have access to email or online information all the time and so we have created a physical welcome pack as well. Trainees enrolled from 1 October have been sent a pack that contains a notebook packed with information to support them through their training.
Some numbers so far… 2,100 welcome emails sent since 1 September 1,113 visits to the training support
webpage 914 welcome packs sent since 1 October.
The team is currently working on
continuing communications and support for all trainees. We’ll keep you updated on progress in the new year. Meanwhile, if you have feedback and suggestions, please email marcomms@careerforce.org.nz.
Free literacy and numeracy support now available to Level 3 industry trainees.
On Wednesday 13 November, TEC announced that Level 3 industry trainees are now eligible for literacy and numeracy provision through the Workplace Literacy and Numeracy Fund. Some years ago, TEC opened this fund to Level 1 and 2 industry trainees, acknowledging there was value in providing literacy/numeracy upskilling embedded into, and alongside, industry training for adults with learning needs. This new development acknowledges that many Level 3 trainees would benefit from this dual support as well. It means:
Workplaces that start at Level 3 can access literacy/numeracy support for trainees without delaying their industry
With literacy/numeracy provision spanning both the Level 2 and 3 programmes, it gives trainees with significant learning needs, time to build these skills in preparation for further, higher-level training.
Literacy providers are required to include computer literacy as part of their programmes. If you are introducing new IT systems that staff are required to engage with, literacy providers can be part of your roll-out, working with staff with learning needs.
If you are interested in exploring the possibilities of this development, please contact Cushla Wilson, Literacy and Numeracy Advisor, 04 550 2426 / 027 838 9512, cushla.wilson@careerforce.org.nz. Or, you could talk directly to some of the literacy providers in your area. You will find a list of these providers here.
Qualifications Pathway Review update
Addiction Studies L6 – Online consultation open until 3 December We are now consulting on the New Zealand Diploma in Addiction Studies (Applied) (Level 6). We encourage you to have your say by completing the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ADDICTION-STUDIES-L6
For more information, please visit the Careerforce website:
Peer Support L4 – Online consultation open until 27 November We are now consulting on the New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Peer Support) (Level 4). We encourage you to have your say by completing the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PEER-L4
For more information, please visit the Careerforce website:
Hearing Therapy L6 – Qualification approved and listed The revised New Zealand Diploma in Hearing Therapy (Level 6) qualification document was submitted to NZQA and is now approved and listed on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF). Please note the final date for assessments leading to version 1 of this qualification is 31 December 2022.
Vision Habilitation/Rehabilitation L7 – Qualification approved and listed The revised New Zealand Diploma in Vision Habilitation/Rehabilitation (Level 7) qualification document was submitted to NZQA and is now approved and listed on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF).
Please note the final date for assessments leading to version 1 of this qualification is 31 December 2022.
Rehabilitation Support L4 – Analysing feedback We are now analysing all feedback received on the review of the New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Rehabilitation Support) (Level 4) with strand in Brain Injury. We’ll update all stakeholders once the analysis is completed.
Skills for Living L1 – Continuing engagement We are still in the process of engaging with all stakeholders – gathering information and feedback on the review of the New Zealand Certificate in Skills for Living for Support Learners (Level 1). We’ll update all stakeholders once the analysis is completed.
Cleaning qualifications – Preparing for NZQA submission Thank you to everyone who contributed to the review of the New Zealand Certificate in Cleaning (Level 2) and New Zealand Certificate in Cleaning (Level 3) and have provided attestations of support. We are now preparing for submission to NZQA.
Keep up to date! Visit the Careerforce website for more information about the Qualification Review.
Pay Equity update - recent immigration changes
We are aware of recent immigration changes, notably the release of ANZSCO version 1.3 on 30 October 2019.
The update has identified certain occupations that have been added to the list of exceptions including Personal Care Assistant, Teacher’s Aide, Refuge Worker, Child or Youth Residential Care Assistant and Family Day Care Worker.
Careerforce has received enquiries seeking advice about these changes however, Careerforce cannot provide immigration advice. We ask that you share this communication with any staff that may be affected by these changes.
note the following: For advice about immigration changes, please contact Immigration New Zealand on 0508 558 855.
Pay Equity & Qualification equivalencies
For qualification based pay equity, support workers either need to have an actual New
Zealand Certificate in Health & Wellbeing (Level 2-4), or a qualification which has been assessed as equivalent to it. Careerforce was given responsibility for determining qualification equivalence, and to date, have assessed numerous New Zealand and overseas qualifications.
You can find out more about the assessment process here.
The most recent qualification decisions are available here. Please also check our website for all equivalency
Find out more about:
- Careerforce Qualification Programmes >> More
- Pay Equity Qualification
Equivalencies >>More
- Gateway and Vocational Pathways >>More
- How to contact your local Careerforce Workplace Advisor >>More
Please share with your colleagues We hope you're enjoying Skills for Good, and encourage you to share with your colleagues. We also welcome your feedback. Contact us with any feedback you have.
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