S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 2
Kia ora As we move on from ‘peak-Covid’ and start to see our new normal emerging, we have been seeing a rebound in the levels of apprentice learning activity. We certainly hope that your work pressures are starting to ease, and you’ve been more able
to make some progress in your apprenticeship journey with us. This issue is being sent out during Mental Health Awareness Week, so a special shout out to our many mental health and addiction apprentices! We applaud the amazing work you do. More information on this below, plus loads more as always.
- Careerforce is now part of Te Pūkenga
- Nail that assessment
- Win one of three prizes
- How to stay motivated to study
- Meet your fellow apprentices
- Te Pūkenga launches national campaign
- Mental Health Awareness Week - 26 September to 2 October
- Life Changing Careers Campaign video captures all our heroes
- Recommended for watching - Speak No Māori
Careerforce is now part of Te Pūkenga
Careerforce transitioned into Te Pūkenga as a business unit within its Work Based Learning (WBL) subsidiary on 1 September
2022. We have joined five other divisions already transitioned into Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning including Competenz, Connexis, BCITO, MITO, and ServiceIQ. When the remaining transitions are completed later this year, work-based learners like yourself will account for over half of Te Pūkenga’s total learner base, a proportion that is expected to grow.
In the short term, you'll notice very little change. What you’ll notice most, is the introduction of co-branding, and
over 2023, the shift to Te Pūkenga branding.
For the moment, it's just business as usual for you as an apprentice. Te Pūkenga was created in April 2020. It brings together Aotearoa’s Institutes of Technology, Polytechnics and Industry Training Organisations (such as Careerforce) into one national organisation that will support work-based, on-campus, and online vocational learning and training across the country.
We’ll update you on any changes over time, but we expect everything to continue as business as usual for some time, and there will be minimal disruption, if any. Your learning, your qualification, the service you receive from us, our systems and processes and how you contact us at Careerforce will all remain the same for some time.
Find out more about what the Careerforce move into Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning means for you – see the 2 minute video
The assessment for the Exceed module involves exploring factors that affect people in Aotearoa New Zealand. You'll investigate a social issue or situation and a condition or impairment relevant to your role and the people you support and present your findings.
To help you 'nail this assessment', we've developed a useful presentation guide to support you to complete the assessment.
It includes nine steps you can follow that help ensure your presentation meets the assessment requirements. There are lots of great examples of how to present the information needed.
Also remember, when submitting your presentation to your assessor, to include your references.
Congratulations to our winners from the last apprenticeship newsletter quiz.
- Sandra Coley from Tamawharuia Health and Social Services
- Niki Fox from He Waka Tapu
- Sarah Killoh from Brackenridge
This time it could be your turn to win 1 of 3 $50 grocery vouchers. Just answer three easy questions correctly to be in the draw by 20 October 2022. Follow the link below to complete the quiz now!
How to stay motivated to study
Staying motivated and focused on your learning is going to help you succeed in your apprenticeship. We appreciate it can be difficult to keep up the momentum sometimes with other demands on your time and priorities in life.
Here are some strategies for sustaining motivation and helping to get you back on track when you feel like you may be losing focus.
PLAN - Make a plan of how you'll do the study. Breaking it down into manageable pieces or bite sized chunks, may help you feel less swamped or overwhelmed.
CREATE GREAT HABITS AND ROUTINES - Develop a study schedule and set aside a
time each day or week when you will study. Add it to your calendar, as you would other important tasks. Let others know that this is your time, so that you won't be disturbed. Make it a habit or routine. CREATE A QUIET SPACE - Disable notifications and put your phone on silent, so that you won't be distracted, and keep yourself focused on the task.
REWARD YOURSELF - When you've completed a task or module – take a moment to reward yourself. Do something that you enjoy, go for a walk, take a break. SET UP A STUDY GROUP - Join with others in your organisation who may be completing the same programme. You may be able to bounce ideas off each other.
ACCESS THE SUPPORTS AVAILABLE - If you're stuck on a module, or need some advice, don't be afraid to ask for help. Get in touch with your Apprenticeship Advisor. They may be able to point you in the right direction. Talk to your manager or supervisor. Chat to a colleague who may have already completed the programme. Join the Careerforce Apprenticeship Facebook group and start to connect with other apprentices who are on the same journey.
We wish you all the best as you progress along your learning journey.
Click 'Read More' for more study tips
Meet some fellow apprentices
Read about two of our Māori apprentices who have recently graduated.
Age is no barrier for determined wahine graduate
Teacher aide graduate helps struggling kids to shine
The road to graduation has not been smooth for 68-year-old Alice Adair. But, after four and a half
years, the adult mental health worker at Te Piki Oranga can celebrate her hard-earned success.
Alice shows it’s never too late to chase your dreams, having successfully completed an apprenticeship in Mental Health through Careerforce.
"I enrolled in the apprenticeship programme because I am passionate about the mental health sector and want to see a shift for the better. I was also keen to validate
and maximise the skills and life experience I already have," says Alice.
Alora Hill was once a troubled teenager who didn’t do very well at school.
Today, the teacher aide at Waitaki Girls’ High School is helping young people,
struggling as she once did, to shine.
"It all stems from how I was as a teenager. If I had a teacher aide working alongside me who understood my behaviours were due to many outside factors and supported me, then I probably could have done a lot better at school. I want to be able to give students the opportunities that I didn’t have. Schools are changing in the support we can offer, and I want to be a part of that positive change," says Alora.
Te Pūkenga launches national campaign
Te Pūkenga has launched a national campaign this month to help New Zealanders understand who the organisation is and how it can support learners and employers across the country. The campaign is designed to reflect Te Pūkenga's vision of
bringing together Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics, and Industry Training Organisations to provide a nationally integrated network of on-the-job, on campus and online learning, across Aotearoa New Zealand.
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Mental Health Awareness week 26 September to 2 October
MHAW has been run annually by the Mental Health Foundation since 1993. It is endorsed by the World Federation for Mental Health and is marked in over 150 countries at different times of the year.
This year's theme is Reconnect - with the people and places that lift you up, hei pikinga waiora.
The past couple of years have been tough and it's easy to feel disconnected from the people and places that are important to us. Whether it's reaching out to someone you have lost contact with, visiting a place
that's special to you or getting outside in nature, we hope you'll join us this MHAW to reconnect with the people and places that lift you up to enhance your wellbeing - hei pikinga waiora.
To help you activate the theme for yourself, your whānau, workplace or community, check out the MHAW 2022 Guide for daily activity ideas.
Mā te whakarongo, ka mōhio through listening, comes knowledge Mā te mōhio, ka mārama, through knowledge, comes understanding Mā te mārama, ka matau, through understanding, comes wisdom Mā te matau, ka ora through wisdom, comes wellbeing
Life Changing Careers Campaign video captures all our heroes
Check out the latest video from the Life Changing Careers Campaign. This video captures powerful quotes from all our heroes, and helps to reinforce the campaign's core concept, ‘the life you change may be your own’.
Click on the image to view the video.
For more information, or if you know someone who is well suited to a role as a support worker, encourage them to visit the Life Changing Careers website. Our sectors need more people just like you!
To keep up-to-date, and read more inspirational stories about your fellow Careerforce learners, simply follow or like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/careerforceNZ/
On the 50th anniversary of the Māori language petition, this documentary unpacks the history of Te Reo Māori in Aotearoa, from its dominance to its gradual decline and the modern day revitalisation efforts. It can be seen on TVNZ On Demand.